
Formation and Continuing education

Technique de massage Aromatouch

C'est avec grand plaisir que nous vous invitons à une séance d'informations détaillées sur la technique AromatouchAu plaisir de vous rencontrer !Page Facebook Qu’est…

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Formation and Continuing education

Formation juridique Loi 21 - Sylvie Lefebvre

Loi 21: Pour une pratique légale et professionnelleLes samedi 28 mai et dimanche 29 mai de 9:00 à 12:30 (Interactif)Enseigné par Maître Sylvie LefebvreFormation exclusive de…

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Formation and Continuing education

Continuing Education in Massage Therapy online

Seminars For HealthFounded in 2011, SFH has trained over 15 000 massage therapists and health care providers.SFH is a recognized online and in-class accredited institution specializing in continued education…

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News COVID-19

You will find here all the communications of the association about Covid-19, from the most recent to the oldest

May 05, 2022Dr. Luc Boileau, Quebec's interim National Director of Public Health, confirmed Wednesday that he is recommending the end of mandatory masks in most public spaces as of May 14.The measure…

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Formation course

Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

Seminars for Health is a training company accredited by the RMQ for massage therapists accredited by Canada, Australia and the United States.Our mission is to provide high-quality continued education…

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Formation and Continuing education

Formation en Yoga Thérapeutique et Restaurateur

Le yoga, un outil précieux pour la santé!Sois Yoga offre une formation de 350 heures avec l’intention de faire connaître comment et pourquoi le yoga thérapeutique n’est…

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