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Tina POITRAS, Namasté Leadership inc.

Membership number: NA-6585


My name is TINA POITRAS, two-time Olympian / entrepreneur / life coach / business coach and keynote speaker.
I had the privilege of being a two-time Olympian, part of the National Canadian team for 12 years.

High-level sports & my quest for optimal health have been a powerful school of life.
I learned to transfer my key learnings to the business world.
In 2004, I was privileged to see my first company be acquired by a giant of my industry, Corbis (owned by Bill Gates).

It has now been 10 years since I founded my 2nd company, NAMASTÉ LEADERSHIP inc., where I help executives, entrepreneurs & self-employed workers bring lasting clarity, success and balance to their work & lives. My unique approach as a former Olympian & business owner, is inspired by sports psychology, to increase performance without working harder, simply by working "smarter".

Having modeled my Olympic approach into 9 key strategies of elite athletes, I coach how to build inner states of "flow", creativity, and proactivity, where even effort and challenges become a source of well-being, freedom and inner joy. High performance can then become a NATURAL OUTCOME.

Looking forward to our first phone conversation together about your current situation & your goals!

Available Services

  • Coaching
  • Naturotherapy