
This web platform is a space for our members and for the diffusion of articles about their knowledge and research. Submit your texts (in JPG, PDF, Word or PNG format) so they can be published in the News/articles section. You can also send us a bilingual version of your text so it can be published in both english and french sections of the site. Translation is at your discretion.

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Preparing and aligning for the energy of spring

March 10th, 2022

 If today we have access to tropical fruits in winter and it is possible to have light to work even after dark, it…

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February 21st, 2022

10 ways to preserve your energy during the cold season

December 14th, 2021

During the winter, the change in light and the cold are significant sources of stress for the body.The body must activate…

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December 6th, 2021

Coffee: What are the health effects?

October 12th, 2021

 Coffee is an integral part of the morning routine for many of us. We love its taste, its smell, the little ritual…

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Les algues, des alliées santé incomparables

June 16th, 2021

  Les algues sont de véritables trésors marins. Même si elles sont différentes des…

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